Noel Avenue Upgrading Project
Project Completion Date: November 2019
As part of the road upgrade works along this stretch of Noel Avenue, the culvert crossing at Brooklyn Creek was replaced and upgraded. The new environmentally sensitive design saw us replace the existing culverts with twinned 1800x900mm box culverts, custom made with baffles to reduce flow velocity. These new culverts were partially backfilled with spawning gravel, and a control weir/riffle was built downstream of the outlet to backwater the culvert and facilitate fish passage. The new culverts were offset slightly from the existing culverts to direct the creek away from the eroding right bank and retaining wall west of the existing outlet.
Brooklyn Creek is a sensitive fish bearing stream with populations of coho salmon, chum salmon, and cutthroat trout. The reach of the creek that crosses the project area is considered high value fish habitat, as there is confirmed spawning and rearing along this reach. In 2015, the Town of Comox partnered with the Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society, Pacific Salmon Foundation and Fisheries and Oceans Canada to undertake a salmon habitat restoration project along the greenway immediately south of Noel Avenue. The mainstem of Brooklyn Creek was restored to a more natural meandering pattern, and habitat features were constructed including riffles, pools, and large woody debris structures.